Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bipolar Disorder: Epidemic Without a Disease

Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, Neurologist, Child Neurologist*

SAN DIEGO, June 6 /PRNewswire/ -- The following was issued today by Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:

In the Newsweek cover story of May 26, 2008, Growing Up Bipolar, Mary Carmichael describes yet another magical psychiatric epidemic. In any report of an epidemic there should be a description of the disease of which the epidemic is comprised and mention of the test by which the disease is diagnosed. But nowhere is there mention of a physical abnormality-gross (visible to the naked eye), microscopic or chemical, to make it a disease. Where is the proof that Max Blake, now ten, is other than physically, medically normal?

Symptoms abound. Max can't sleep. Max is sad. Max wants to kill himself. All serious symptoms to be sure, but entirely subjective -- not objective "signs," abnormalities, diseases. Undaunted, Carmichael calls "bipolar" an "elusive disease" with a grave prognosis: a "horror story," in which "terrible things happen." But still no disease.

Next, we are told: "some doctors do not believe (bipolar) exists in children." But diagnosis is not a matter of belief. If no abnormality is demonstrated the diagnosis is "no evidence of disease" -- NED, or "no organic disease" -- NOD.

Absent abnormalities, Carmichael marshals more symptoms: "These babies are born screaming."

Seeking to overwhelm with epidemiology, Carmichael writes: "800,000 children in the United States have been diagnosed." "The disease is hard to pin down." Nor does repeating the word "disease" make it so.

Parents are asked to chose from among the "many drugs" available even though "it's unclear how they work." How could it be otherwise without a disease to treat. No infection, cancer, or diabetes -- all diagnosable, all treatable. In psychiatry, drugs change emotions and behaviors by damaging the normal brain, causing intoxication, poisoning, abnormality -- disease.

"The disease is hard to pin down." "Its unclear how they (the drugs) work." This is not medical science, it is the "medical-speak" of "biological," psychiatry that is deceptive, fraudulent, and intent on peddling drugs. When the patient is known to be normal but is called "diseased" and is "medicated," is that not poisoning? Is it not assault and battery? If the same patient dies, what is that called?

While false diagnostic labels alone may not make persons psychiatric patients-in-perpetuity, drugs which cause chemical dependency and conspicuous injury, such as Parkinson's syndrome or tardive dyskinesia in a seven year-old, surely do. Max's parents were told (1) "treat (your) child and risk a bad outcome," or (2) "don't treat and risk a worse one." In either case, this message is surely to the liking of the pharmaceutical industry which bankrolls it all.

Max and his parents have come to believe the "bipolar" fiction and to play out their roles in it. The main authors -- perpetrators of this and all of psychiatry's fictitious "diseases" are the DSM Committee of the American Psychiatric Association and "researchers" at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

For Max's mother: "There was one good thing about this strange diagnosis, she thought: at least it meant she wasn't a bad mother." Max and his parents all had roles to play. Max's role is to be "bipolar," a psychiatric patient-in-perpetuity. Everything else would take care of itself and psychiatry and Big Pharma would reap billions a year. And who knows, perhaps the 800,000 "bipolar" Max's Carmichael says we have this year will become 1.5 to 2 million next year, which many think it already is.

Harvard psychiatrists Joseph Biederman and Janet Wozniac were said to have "described" pediatric bipolar disorder in 1995. I have no doubt that they "described" it but, as is the case with all of psychiatry's "chemical imbalances" they have never proved that a single one is an actual disease, as throughout the rest of medicine.

At 2 1/2 years of age, Rebecca Riley of Hull, Massachusetts was "diagnosed" ADHD and bipolar disorder, by child psychiatrist, Dr. Kayoko Kifuji, and was put on Clonidine, Depakote and Seroquel, the last of which is a potent, poisonous, antipsychotic. None had been approved by the FDA for children so young. Rebecca became like a "floppy doll" and died December 13, 2006, at 4 years of age, not from a psychiatric disease, because there is no such thing, but from the very real, very toxic psychiatric drugs prescribed for her. Incredibly, her parents sit in jail, charged with her murder. Who made it appear that Rebecca had two "diseases"? Who convinced the parents she did and that the medications prescribed were "treatments" for them? Countless hundreds if not thousands of children thus diagnosed and drugged are dying, not from psychiatric diseases, but from the one or several drugs prescribed for them as "treatment." Between 1990 and 2000, 186 deaths from methylphenidate-Ritalin were reported to the FDA-MedWatch program, a voluntary reporting program of the FDA itself, says detects no more than 1-10 percent of the actual number.

Who is responsible for the murder of Rebecca Riley? Who is responsible for the thousands or tens of thousands of deaths from prescribed psychiatric drugs for psychiatric "diseases" that do not exist?
* Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, has discovered and described real diseases and
accepts full responsibility for all opinions and representations herein.
He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, Diplomate of the
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and author of the book: THE
ADHD FRAUD -- How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children

Source: Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD

CONTACT: Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, +1-619-440-8236,

Web site:

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