Monday, April 14, 2008

A Cold Sore Is Often A Warning Sign of Deeper Health Issues, Expert Says

SEATTLE, April 8, 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- The appearance of a cold sore is a sign that your immune system needs a tune-up before other more serious illnesses emerge, according to John Sherman, ND, noted naturopathic physician and former Clinic Director for Bastyr University.

Worldwide, between 80% and 90% of the adult population have the cold sore virus (Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV-1), according to Dr. Sherman, who is the author of The Complete Botanical Prescriber and medical advisor for

"Cold sores are more than just a cosmetic issue," says Dr. Sherman. "Our immune systems let us know when it's time to pay attention, and a cold sore is a big red flag."

Prevention is the key. And preventing cold sores through natural, immune-enhancing means has the added advantage of helping to prevent a host of other potential health problems, including influenza, rhinovirus and chronic problems like asthma, irritable bowel syndrome and autoimmune diseases.

"I've been treating cold sore patients for nearly 30 years, and in my experience, 100 percent of the time the appearance of a cold sore is an indication that there is something else going on in the body that needs to be addressed."

Dr. Sherman suggests a few simple tips for maintaining a healthy smile on the outside, while keeping the body healthy on the inside.

-- Get plenty of sleep. When you sleep your body rebuilds its defenses
and reenergizes your immune system.
-- Eat smart. A balanced diet not only makes you feel better, it reduces
the likelihood of outbreaks and lessens their duration.
-- Cut the sugar. Cold sores tend to emerge when your body is too acidic.
Alcohol, soda pop and sweet foods tend to acidify the system and make
cold sores happen more often.
-- Buy organic. Organic foods supply more trace minerals that help
alkalinize your blood, reducing acidity and thereby reducing
-- Be proactive. Probiotics and targeted, immune-boosting botanicals,
like those in Sure Nature's ImmunaSure (available at, have been proven effective in helping with
cold sore symptoms, shortening outbreaks and keeping cold sores from
coming back.
-- Treat from within. Topical creams and lotions may reduce the
appearance and discomfort of cold sores, but they don't prevent them
from reoccurring.
-- Trust your body. The prescription anti-viral cold sore drugs on the
market can have serious side effects on your liver and kidneys and may
actually weaken your body's ability to fight the virus naturally.

"It's important to treat cold sores on a number of different levels," adds Dr. Sherman. "I developed ImmunaSure with natural ingredients shown to have strong anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects and boost the growth of good bacteria to help maximize immune function -- without the side effects of pharmaceutical treatments."

Jennifer Allen Newton
Bluehouse Consulting Group, Inc.

Source: Sure Nature

CONTACT: Jennifer Allen Newton of Bluehouse Consulting Group, Inc.,
+1-503-805-7540,, for Sure Nature

Web site:

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